Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1

I have made it through Ash Wednesday without Facebook! I am still alive! And, I am proud of myself! Only 39 more days to go!! It was hard! Several times I went to my phone only to be able to do nothing! Kinda like when the power is out but you still try to turn on the light. It was a pathetic eye opener in a way...It did make me realize how much time I actually spend on FB. Kinda sad. Maybe this is good.

Other discoveries of the day...

1. Temple Run app...Thanks Ana!

2. The printer will NOT work if there is a birthday candle smashed down into it!

3. iMessages are free. Didn't know that I could "text" anyone with an iPhone even if they didn't have Verizon.

4. That you can learn a good bit of Korean watching the subtitles of a song in English and Korean and feel like you are accomplishing something when you start to actually recognize words and/or characters.

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